Penelope Wilson
Penelope Wilson
June 11, 2020 ·  6 min read

10 Awesome Things Money Cannot Buy

Let’s face it: we humans spend way too much of our lives in the pursuit of money and riches. Even after we get to the age where we finally realize that money truly cannot buy everything, there’s still no slowing down. We are often barraged by bills and responsibilities and it’s always better to have too much than to have too little. Sadly, we easily get carried away and forget that the most important things in life require time and dedication, two things we don’t always remember to commit these days while we chase after endless wealth.

Don’t get me wrong. Poverty is not appealing and certainly not a condition anyone wants to find themselves in, and there’s nothing wrong with being wealthy. The only problem is it can become so addictive to a point where we feel that money can solve all our problems, that it can keep us happy for as long as we are alive, buy us loyalty, and bring us true love. 

It hits hard and painful when we finally discover that we may have spent all our lives chasing wealth, but in the end, the most important things are missing. If you feel this isn’t true, then why do the rich also cry? Why is depression not exclusive for the less-privileged? As weird as it may sound, money is not everything.

Here are 10 wonderful things you can’t ever buy with money, and if you think about them, they are actually free and you never have to spend a dime to get them. 


As the saying goes, “Money can’t buy you manners, but good manners can buy you refuge from a very embarrassing moment.”

Most people would argue that if you have money, you can pay for classes with professional experts in etiquette and decorum, but most of the time, you can’t just wake up and remember everything you should need to be a decent individual. 

Good manners beyond knowing what to say and when to say it, or how to behave in a particular setting. It also includes performing the simplest acts of courtesy to another person without being asked. It involves self-control and a level of coordination that is usually ingrained rather than acquired at will. Most people learn good manners at home or school, and if these lessons are missing from their formative years, they’d often grow into rude individuals who do not know when to send a thank-you note or thank serving people who come to their home. 


This is as obvious as the clouds in the sky. Rather than increasing morality, money corrupts, often bringing a sense of intoxicating power than most people cannot resist. It’s important to develop a set of moral values that are shielded from your financial status at any point in time. They may be affiliated with your religious and cultural beliefs, but as long as they provide a standard of decent behavior for you, you should always abide by these values.


This can’t ever be said enough. Money does not buy respect — attitude does. People do not respect a person because of their wealth and affluence. They are mostly just being fake and subservient because of what they believe they can gain from you. Respect is reciprocal and people would only truly respect you if you respect them as well, regardless of the differences in your social standings. Being wealthy is not an excuse to be nasty to people and still demand their respect. It may incite fear, but never genuine regard.


Your character is at the very core of your individuality, and sadly, it’s not as easy to improve as it is easy to corrupt. Money does not buy good character. However, it can taint what is already there and turn us into unrecognizable versions of ourselves. Character is built by practicing humility, living out your principles and values, maintaining a high level of self-respect and accountability, and these are things money would never help you achieve.

Common sense

The dictionary definition of common sense is: “a good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.” However, we’ve seen rich people make the dumbest decisions in the simplest situations. Even having people who are paid to think for you will not cover every scenario, and there are times when you’d be required to apply simple logic to fix a problem. Money will buy you intuitive reasoning. 


It’s often very difficult for wealthy persons to figure out who to trust and who to hold at arm’s length. Everyone just wears the same outward expression of devotion with different inner intentions. Wealth is very attractive, and it’s just too difficult to know who really wants to stick with you for you. Trust can only be bought by being present, committed, honest, accountable and loyal, and if you ever have a reason to doubt a person’s check on these attributes, then it has been compromised. The best way to gain someone else’s trust is to be trustworthy yourself.


If anything, money makes you less patient and more irritable. It comes with a sense of ego-inflation that would often make you wonder why your time is being wasted. Patience is a virtue that is mostly ingrained but can also be acquired. You can teach yourself to have a tight rein on your emotions and not let temporary feelings lead you into making permanent decisions. 


Designer clothes, shoes, watches, expensive vacations, first-class flights, your kids going to the best schools, and living in the most glassy house does not equate to pure class. While these things are part of the equation on another level, they are mostly just complementary.

To be classy is to act gracefully, always remain calm in annoying situations, avoid using foul language, enhance your hygiene, expand your knowledge, dress decently, appear well-groomed at all times, and keep the jewelry to a minimum. To be classy is to BE without forcing anyone to ACKNOWLEDGE. It’s an effortless effort.


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having unshakable moral principles. This is a very powerful virtue and only the most decent persons can boast of having a high level of integrity. Money is an excuse for dishonesty. You’d feel you can get away with anything and that you are way above the level of morality. This is wrong. A person is judged not only by their attitude when they have nothing, but also by their character when they have everything. You should always stay honest, truthful, and accountable to the people you interact with. You may have a bank account filled with figures but you’re still poor if you don’t have any integrity.


The best had to be saved for last. While there’s nothing worth glorifying about poverty, rich people often have the hardest time finding true love because it’s nearly impossible to know who truly loves you for you; most people are just in it for the money. This isn’t merely about romantic love since your friends, family, and acquaintances are not always excluded from the doubt. 

Money can’t buy true love, only a genuine character and a willing heart can. Instead of flaunting your wealth all over the place and attracting both the good and bad, flaunt your character, your decency, integrity, loyalty, your readiness for commitment, and you’ll definitely attract only the right people.

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