Penelope is a writer and health enthusiast with a B.Arts in Language Studies. She is a deeply spiritual person, a relationship expert, a nutrition freak, and a skin-care maverick.
Whether you buy organic fruits and veggies or not, they all have the potential to be harboring pesticides. For harder fruits and vegetables, a quick scrub under some running water can do the trick. This video from the Consumer Reports YouTube channel shares some tips for making sure your produce is clean and ready to […]
Recently I was reading an article on about a fake rice being produced in China. The rice is being made out of plastic believe it or not and no one is doing anything about it. Naturally, as a health advocate and researcher of food and how food is processed I thought to myself, this […]
So many people suffer from anxiety and headaches these days. I believe this to be a mixture of our lifestyles and many of the changes that are taking place in our world that are pushing people to question what we’ve been doing as a society repetitively for many years. You know what I mean… that […]
This is likely one of the shallowest posts I’ll ever write—it’s about hair. However, what is so shallow about hair? We all know the importance of having a good hair day. It seems from the moment we wake up, look in the mirror and notice that our top bun has left proper, succulent waves and […]
A common statistic is that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. However, recent evidence has shown that it is actually below this number, and divorce rates appear to be dropping rather than rising (contrary to popular belief). Sometimes divorce is necessary in order to avoid any further mental, emotional or even physical trauma that can […]
If you’ve been around the natural health & beauty community for any time, you’ve probably noticed that coconut oil is all the rage. From blogs to Pinterest, to magazines and books, it seems like everyone is raving about this natural oil. Trust us, it’s not a fad. Though coconut oil has been around since, well, […]
Editor’s Note (06/16/2023): This article was originally published on November 4, 2019, and has since been updated. Best friendship at its truest! While my best friends and I are busy searching for the hottest shoes on a heavy sale, other best friends are planning their retirement in magical, little eco-towns. These four environmentalist couples have […]
According to a study conducted by Duke University, it has been discovered that women need a lot more sleep than men do in order to function properly. This is because women experience more mental and and physical consequences from not having enough rest. Aside from giving half of the population a good reason to sleep more, these […]
During the winter months people generally enjoy staying indoors and avoiding the harsh conditions the outside world has to offer. Unfortunately for you, so do the bugs living around your house. This winter start using all-natural insect repellents to keep freeloading bugs at bay without spraying your house full of chemicals. Here are five natural, […]
Your NFC capable Android smartphone could be the newest weapon hackers use to steal money from the credit cards in your pocket, according to researchers. In a presentation at Hack In The Box Security Conference in Amsterdam, security researchers Ricardo J. Rodriguez and Jose Vila presented a demo of a real world attack, to which […]
Keeping the bathroom clean is an absolute necessity. It can turn into a toxic nightmare at times. Apart from the dirt mess that can be created, cleaning products contain toxic chemicals which are very harmful to our health. Most of the common cleaners we use are made up largely of bleach and a number of […]
These 28 carefully selected words of wisdom truly are some of the most powerful and wisest quotes ever written. Here they are… 1. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein 2. […]