Stacy Robertson
Stacy Robertson
March 10, 2020 ·  3 min read

Leave People Who Walked Away At Your Lowest Point

As humans, we are bound to face challenges and encounter difficulties. It is normal to pass through certain things that may pull us down and discourage us. This is where a sound support system comes in. Sometimes, friends and family may be the difference between overcoming a challenge and drowning in it. But what happens when your support system deserts you? What happens when that individual who promised to stand with you through thick and thin walks away owing to that challenge you are currently facing?

Life has a way of revealing people’s intentions. That individual that has promised to stand by you in all circumstances may bolt at the slightest sign of trouble. Beg them all you want. Call them any name you wish to, but they won’t even cast you a second glance. Your problem is solely yours and not theirs.

Why do people leave our lives 

People leave our lives for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it can be the mental picture that they have of you. Perhaps, when they met you, you were that bubbly, cool, perfect, and smart person. Now, you may look frail owing to that illness, and they are not prepared to deal with that. Other times, it may be because they have found whatever they were looking for elsewhere, and you have become surplus to their requirements.

Lack of trust is another reason why people walk away. In every relationship, trust is paramount. When it becomes broken by either party, it allows for a lot of misunderstanding, making the relationship unsustainable in the long run. 

But whatever the excuse may be, it just isn’t right to walk away from a person’s life at their lowest point. A person who cares for you won’t walk away from you when life tests your love. They will stay, and they will fight with you.

“Anybody that walked away from you at your lowest or ugliest time, let them stay exactly where they are!”

In a series of tweets shared by Michelle William, she admonished everyone to know their worth and allow those who walked out of our lives at our lowest stay where they are. While we can’t categorically state who the message is directed at, we can’t help but take note of how thought-provoking the tweets are

Just #checkingin on y’all and felt led to say ‘anybody that walked away from you at your lowest or ugliest time let them stay exactly where they are!’ You don’t need the dead weight anyway. I truly believe when that happens, it’s one of God’s ways of making space for something else truly amazing! Make room Lord!!!, ” Michelle William tweeted. 

She ended her tweet on a lighter note: “.….dinner is cheaper too! Ok, I’m done!!”

When someone chooses to leave your life, let them go. While it is indeed painful to see those who you expect to support you during hard times walk away, it is not totally gloomy. For one, it tells you that they do not deserve a place in your life. If they can’t stand with you at your worst, they certainly do not deserve your best. Life has a perfect way of revealing people’s true intentions. If they’ve shown you who they are, believe them the first time.

It’s very easy to fall back and make excuses for them. Questions like ‘Was I too clingy?’ ‘Did I do something unintentionally?’ may cross through your mind. But whatever their reason may be, have it at the back of your mind that you are not responsible for their decisions. Encourage yourself to get better than you were, and when you do, never make the mistake of returning to those who deserted you. Shut that door firmly and cultivate new friends carefully.

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