connect with nature by vacationing a tree house
Penelope Wilson
Penelope Wilson
June 30, 2023 ·  3 min read

If You Don’t Want to Vacation in this Treehouse, There Might Be Something Wrong With You

When I was a child, I always dreamed of having a treehouse where I could hang out with my friends. It would be filled with books, have a cozy daybed, and a retractable ladder. I’m sure I’m not alone on this childhood dream. It’s sad to think that I’ve literally outgrown my dream.

Well, it turns out it’s not just coloring books being made for adults these days. There’s an emerging trend towards adult-friendly treehouses. These treehouses are a unique vacation resort that boasts more health benefits than you’d think. Not quite what you may have fantasized about as a child, these treehouses are sphere shaped!

What is a Spherical Treehouse?

Known as Free Spirit Spheres, these spherical treehouses are the brainchild of master craftsman Tom Chudleigh. They are a back-to-nature retreat built in British Columbia’s coastal rainforest. These treehouses are handmade from fiberglass and local wood. They’re suspended up to 15 feet above the forest floor, providing a beautiful view of the forest around you. Don’t worry, according to the Free Spirit Spheres team there has been no accidents since their opening to the public in 2006. Each treehouse can sleep up to four people cozily. These spherical treehouses offer a one of a kind experience!

Why was it created?

The team behind the spherical treehouse wanted to create a way to live spiritually and physically in harmony with nature. The idea came as a direct challenge to the process of clearing land and erecting concrete buildings. At the same time, they want to give people a sense of spirit and magic in the world around them. Sound like anything familiar? It’s like a trip to Disney World without the exhausting plane ride and the crowds!

What are the Health Benefits of Spherical Treehouses?

Going on a retreat to a spherical treehouse has two key benefits: it gives us opportunities to appreciate the things around us through a different lens, and it connects us to nature.

Vacations are Priceless

In recent years, America has gained a reputation as the “no-vacation nation”. We’re making use of fewer and fewer paid vacation days in favor of working more. But as the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

One study from the University of Calgary found that taking a vacation greatly reduces depression. Further research has found that vacations have many benefits. Some of these include:

  • Rest from the stresses of work
  • Opportunities for new experiences and broadening your horizons
  • Promotion of peace and understanding
  • Opportunities for personal and social growth
  • Spending more time with friends and family
  • Spiritual reconnection and pilgrimage
  • Boosts to your individual well-being

Time may be money, but vacations are priceless!

Be One With Nature

One of the other key benefits to staying in a spherical treehouse is being able to connect with nature. When I was growing up, my family committed to spending every summer outside. From tree planting to shacking up in a cozy cottage in Canada, it was a welcome refresh from the big city. I must admit, disconnecting for me in my childhood meant being away from the TV. Families these days have much more to disconnect from. Just this past Easter, I was shocked to see a child of the age of 3 crying about the “iPad” battery running out!

Spending time in nature has many benefits. For one, there’s a lot we can learn from it. Trees have long stood as a testament to the power of nature. They’re ever growing despite the sometimes harsh weather. Not just that, trees offer shade and fruit in an almost selfless way. In this way, nature inspires us to offer what aid we have to one another and to learn and persevere through crisis.

One study from the University of Rochester presented pictures of either natural or urban landscapes and gauged their aspirations. Researchers found that people who viewed the photos of nature were more likely to choose community and sharing over wealth and possessions! Connecting with nature allows us to be both introspective and conscious of the world around us.