Signs are necessary at times to let people know what’s going on, or to advertise, but these hilarious signs from around the world will make you laugh out loud. Some signs are obviously meant to amuse, and others are more subtle. Nonetheless, they are hysterical! There is an oldie but goodie to start off with about how 20 years ago, we had Bob Hope, Steve Jobs, and Johnny Cash, and now we have no hope, no jobs and no cash. At the bottom, the sentiment we all feel is mentioned.
That we hope nothing happens to Kevin Bacon! Haha! That would be a tragedy. Could you imagine a world without bacon? I’m really not sure how they plan on collecting the $200 fine from those who touch the wire if it causes instant death, as the sign suggests. I bet there are quite a few scratching their heads on that one!
I actually don’t find the sign that proclaims this is Dumb Woman’s Lane, fun at all. It must be some joke that I missed! One sign seems to be depicting things that you can and cannot do to a seat. One of the things seems to be depicting sawing the seat. Which I’m not sure anyone would be planning to do. This is strange for sure! There is another sign telling you how to act if you should encounter a mountain lion. Including fighting back if one should attack you. Yeah, I’m pretty sure no one’s going to remember any of that should the situation occur!
The next time you’re out and about, you should look around and see what strange signs you can find! These hilarious signs from around the globe will definitely make you laugh out loud.
Here are just a few signs from around the World that’ll either make you laugh or really question what it is exactly you’re looking at! 😛
1. $200 Fine
2. You should have taken the bicycle…
(via) Alexander Somma
3. Beware of people crossing…
(via) Alex E. Proimos
4. Dumb Woman’s Lane
(via) ian boyd
5. Dinosaurs
(via) emmar
6. You are not allowed to…saw the seat?
(via) Remy Sharp
7. Heavy Pedestrians
(via) TrombaMarina
8. Rainbow Rider
(via) BillRhodesPhoto
9. Makes complete sense…
(via) ekai
10. “Zone”
(via) espresso marco
11. Welcome…
(via) oh_candy
12. No responsibility…tsk tsk.
(via) iirraa
13. Thief…
(via) scazon
14. Be afraid…be very afraid.
(via) CaptPiper
15. Don’t do.. what exactly?
16. Non-drying paint…interesting.
<p “>(via) clare_and_ben
17. Don’t ride headless horses…fantastic tip.
(via) Vallo
18. Wild children!
(via) Silversprite
19. Poor animals.
(via) tenioman
20. Sharp Edges
(via) dullhunk
21. Senior Citizens
(via) PittCaleb
22. No laughing…EVER!
(via) Toby87
23. Crocodiles…
(via) james_michael_hill
24. Control your pee…
(via) un_owen