· 4 min read
Are you experiencing bloating, weight gain, stomach aches, headaches, fatigue or irritable bowel syndrome and you can’t seem to figure out why? You may be experiencing a food sensitivity. After all, they are common in about 75% of the population. Believe it or not, even healthy foods like nightshade vegetables can be causing this. What’s […]
· 3 min read
I love to garden. It helps me be mindful of the world around me. And it lets me interact and teach lessons to my children (my son looks like he’ll be a right little Mr. Green Thumbs!). I think gardening is the best way to explain the circle of life, and reminds me that there […]
· 4 min read
There are two common problems that come along with maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Healthy foods go back quicker than processed items. (meaning you have to buy them more often) Healthy food is considerably more expensive to purchase. Personally this was a big issue for me in my college days. I would go to […]
· 6 min read
Ok, let’s be honest here: we all know it’s way easier to grab something from the grocery store that we only have to heat up, pour out, or rip open. It saves time. It tastes good. and in most cases it satisfies our hunger cravings. The convenience of packaged foods has taken over modern day […]
· 3 min read
Sushi is one of those foods that marketed as super healthy – or at least, a healthy alternative to your everyday white bread sandwich. But if you look at the ingredients and the way sushi is made, there isn’t a lot of healthy choice out there. I mean, it’s one thing to go to a […]
· 7 min read
This article is shared with permission from our friends at foods4betterhealth.com. I grew up in the dark. I only knew what I was told. I considered processed foods to be part of my diet because the foods simply tasted good, and they are affordable, so that’s what my family ate. Before I started my studies in […]
· 7 min read
MMMMM MMMM good. There is nothing as refreshing as a piece of watermelon on a hot summer day. Don’t even try to argue with me about this. It is non-negotiable. Watermelon is a low-calorie, hydrating fruit that is a natural antioxidant. Its is also an important source of vitamins and minerals and can help fight […]
· 5 min read
Sometimes the hardest part of eating healthier is letting go of the things you love. Or feeling like you have to throw away everything in your kitchen and will be left with nothing to eat but some leaves and ice cubes. Yaaaay! If that’s how you feel about eating healthy, then either you’ve tried to take […]
· 2 min read
When I was growing up, one of my favorite foods was baked potatoes. We’d load it up with sour cream, green onion, and homemade bacon bits. Nowadays, I’ve been drawn to baking sweet potatoes instead. Here are some reasons why you should make the switch too! Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes When compared to potatoes, […]
· 7 min read
Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods. Clean eating means choosing fruits, vegetables, and meats that are raised, grown, and sold with minimal processing. Often they’re organic, […]
· 7 min read
This article amazing article was written by Nicole, a holistic nutritionist with a strong belief that it is possible for everyone to discover how good their body is designed to feel. Nicole works in partnership with her clients to achieve a lifestyle that is both balanced, fulfilling and nourishing. Go check out her fantastic blog […]
· 2 min read
Coca-Cola is undeniably one of the most popular beverages around the world, and it is the most popular soft-drink by far. But did you know that it is also one of the most acidic beverages that people drink on a regular basis? According to dentist Dr. Terri Winn, Coca-Cola has a pH level of 2.5. […]