Penelope Wilson
Penelope Wilson
January 22, 2016 ·  2 min read

3 chemical-free, natural ingredients to EFFECTIVELY clean your ENTIRE house

Popular cleaning products are not always the best option when it comes to keeping your house clean. They can be expensive, ineffective and they often leave behind a strong chemical smell.

The chemicals found in these commercial cleaning products can be very detrimental to our health as the vapours emitted from them can damage our respiratory system. Even cleaners that are labeled “non-toxic”, “safe” or “green” can contain these dangerous chemicals.

So, why spend money on possibly life-threatening commercial cleaning products when you can get an equally effective clean using all-natural products that you can find in your house? Here are 3 chemical-free natural cleaning ingredients.

Vinegar and baking soda 

The use of vinegar combined with baking soda is one of the most effective combinations with it comes to cleaning.

Vinegar is an effective antiseptic, having been shown to inhibit the growth of various forms of bacteria including ones that cause skin diseases and food borne illnesses.

Baking soda has also been shown to to be an effective disinfectant against potential human pathogens. Using baking soda is especially effective when cleaning grout as it is easily able to absorb the water and excess dirt found in the crevices between the tiles.

This combination is best used in the kitchen area, or any area where raw meat may be handled.

Lemon and baking soda

Lemons, having been shown to be a disinfectant for drinking water, contain natural biocidal properties, meaning that they destroy any microorganisms that are harmful to our body.

We already know the amazing cleaning effects of baking soda, so why not mix these two together for the ultimate disinfectant? Just squeeze some lemon juice and mix it with baking soda.

This combination is best used for cleaning the washroom, or any place in your house where moisture or small bodies of water tend to build up.

Lemon eucalyptus

Keeping your house insect free is a necessity if you really want to consider your house “clean”. Although the best way to do this is by cleaning up messes caused by food products, especially the sweet and sugary ones, the extract from the lemon eucalyptus tree works as a natural insect repellent.

Since the effect of this repellent don’t last long after being applied topically, pour a few drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil into a pot of water and keep it on a low simmer for a few hours throughout the day.


Cleaning product vapours:

“Safe” cleaners:


Baking soda disinfectant:

Baking soda absorption:


Lemon eucalyptus: