· 6 min read
There’s a story to every picture, and it’s always better to hear or read it before concluding. What pops into your mind in the first few moments of spotting parents leading their kids on a leash? Most people would assume they don’t understand the difference between a child and a pet, and in reality, this […]
· 5 min read
If you come from a large family and believe nothing about communal living could surprise you anymore, keep an open mind for this Indian family. Seventy-four-year-old Ziona Chana from Mizoram India is the head of Chana páwl, a religious Christian sect that allows him to take as many wives as he chooses. He is reported […]
· 4 min read
It’s tough to accept the possibility that someone you may have known your whole life could be the reason why your mental wellbeing is disturbed. Familiarity causes us to make excuses for people, often accepting certain terrible attitudes as “their nature” or “unchangeable character.” Sure, this could be their so-called nature and they may never […]
· 4 min read
That’s one more precious bear the world would have lost to the plastic pandemic, but this family wasn’t about to let that happen. Tricia Hurt, her husband Brian, and their son Brady were out enjoying a fishing adventure on Marsh-Miller Lake in Wisconsin when they found a baby bear in major distress. [1] According to […]
· 4 min read
The award goes to the parent who can go a day without yelling. Anyone? Let’s admit it, kids drive us nuts sometimes, the same way we drove our parents crazy when were at that age. Almost every parent loses it now and then and may lash out at their kids with loaded words. However, the […]
· 4 min read
Talking or writing about my mother’s always gives me the shivers — the good kind of shivers. I’d often wonder how a human being can give so much of herself to someone else, and she never seems to run out of love to give. How can someone love so fiercely, as though her children were […]
· 4 min read
As exciting as it is, parenting is also quite a scary journey. If it’s your first time, then you’re about to become fully responsible for another human being’s life, protection, and safety, and this could be a lot to take in. Not many people (if anybody) would take fatherhood courses before becoming a dad. Mothers […]
· 4 min read
Who do you run to you when you’re having a hard time doing your tie right? Your dad. Who do you yell out for when the toilet’s got a plumbing issue? Your dad. Who do you consult when you need to fix a flat tire? That’s right, your dad. Fathers are amazing and their roles […]
· 4 min read
Losing a child, no matter how young, is a different kind of pain that words can’t ever quantify. Children are precious gifts from above and they deserve to stay, see the world, and learn to thrive in it. Sadly, it’s not always under the parents’ control. In 2017, a grieving couple in Ohio decided to […]
· 3 min read
In today’s society, telling someone how much they mean to us causes most of us great anxiety. Expressing emotion and letting someone know how you feel means making yourself vulnerable to rejection and feels awkward. The unfortunate thing is that hearing words such as “I love you”, “You are the most important person in my […]
· 2 min read
We all know that one woman who says she doesn’t need anyone else in her life, she’s doing just fine on her own. She may be a coworker, a best friend, maybe even a sister. She is rarely seen without a smile and she seems to weather life’s hardships with ease and grace. Career disappointments, […]
· 2 min read
We all get wrapped up in our own lives sometimes. We become so focused on our own problems, needs, and desires that we don’t see what’s happening in the lives of those around us. This becomes difficult when you are the one suffering, and you don’t feel like anyone around you is paying attention, or […]