Protecting and Enriching Your Family's Life

We create and find stories that you can share with your loved ones. Communication is what keeps people close, after all, whether you do it at the dinner table or through the phone half a world away. So spread the love, and spread the smiles!

 · 2 min read

89-year-old besties since the age of 11 move into the same nursing home

I’m 32 years old, but since my late teens, I’ve joked with my closest and longest-lasting friends that I could see us moving into the same nursing home and drinking large quantities of beer together there in our waning years. But what’s mostly a joke to me is a reality for two 89-year-old women who […]

Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

 · 4 min read

New lawsuit: Why do Android phones mysteriously exchange 130MB a month with Google via cellular data when they’re not even in use?

If you’re an Android user, you may want to pay attention to this one. Google has been allegedly stealing cellular data from people using android phones. The company has apparently been doing this through unapproved and undisclosed transmissions to its servers. Now, a few angry android users are suing the tech giant. The Lawsuit Four […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

Freelance Contributor

 · 2 min read

Kitten and Chick Nap so Sweetly Together

Kittens and birds – they’re mortal enemies, right? Cats want to chow down on the birds they catch and birds, in the interest of self preservation, flee in terror. Or at least that’s what most of us think of when it comes to feline-avian relations. But this video of a kitten and chick napping together […]

Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

 · 9 min read

Pick a man BEFORE you read!!

In the image just below this text, you’ll see a tree with a bunch of fairly amorphous and androgynous little people, called ‘blobs’, hanging out. Some are happy, some are frowny, some in danger, and some barely hanging on. Each one has a number assigned. This image is inspired by Pip Wilson’s blob tree. The […]

Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

 · 4 min read

North America Saw A Huge Spike In UFO Reports In 2019 – Have You Seen One?

Do you believe in unidentified flying objects, or UFOs? Have you ever seen a flying saucer? In 2019, a large spike in UFO reports are leaving some scratching their heads. According to a Gallup survey conducted in 2019, one-third of Americans report believing that some UFO sightings are alien in origin, coming from another planet […]

Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

 · 2 min read

Fact Check: Are Schools Really Removing Analog Clocks From Classrooms?

Kids today, am I right? Probably not. A widely circulated Buzzfeed article published in April 2018 that suggested schools are getting rid of “old school” analog clocks because teens can’t read them made grumpy adults all over social media groan and face-palm. But how much truth is there to this claim? It turns out: some, […]

Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

 · 4 min read

Endangered parrot so fat it can’t fly has been named Bird of the Year

New Zealand is reluctant to announce that the kākāpō is to be the bird of the year for a second time. With more than 61 bird species as candidates for the title, this flightless fat parrot was able to steal the show. Also known as the ‘mighty moss chicken’, the kākāpō won bird of the […]

Cody Medina

Cody Medina

Environmental Activist