· 4 min read
Except for a few exceptions, all human beings are born into one of two sexes, male and female. Both have to come together in marriage to create and raise the next generation. However, marriages take work, commitment, love, and mutual respect to be successful. From an early age, we are educated on the importance of […]
· 5 min read
There are so many cases of divorce in the United States nowadays, one cannot help but wonder why. Did they not know anything about each other before getting married? Did someone else come between them? Or did they just fight a lot? Regardless of these questions, everyone still goes into marriage believing that theirs will […]
· 4 min read
We all dream about finding ‘the one,’ and most women spend a good portion of their lives on this mission to find their other half. While on this search, they are likely to come into contact with dozens or even hundreds of people, increasing their need for security while on dates. Women are often seen […]
· 4 min read
One of the costliest mistakes we often make in relationships is trying to get the other person to behave in a certain way that suits our fantasies. You pay dearly for this in the long haul. The new person you’ve created is only a façade, a figment of your imagination that’s come to life and […]
· 5 min read
Contrary to what most so-called realists think, you can never be too happy. To some, happiness has become a foreign word and a baseless desire. They are consistently plagued with negative emotions that are inundated by brief periods of elation and moments of bliss. However, true happiness can become a permanent state with the right […]
· 4 min read
This article is an opinion piece and is in no way intended to be judgmental to anyone. “In this day and age, the digital age, you can forget about a resume; you are what your social media says about you.”― Germany Kent While it connects us to people and places all around the world, keeps us […]
· 4 min read
Firstborns are usually very special. Typically, they’d spend about a year being the only child before more babies come along. This time spent with their parents helps them develop their intellect. You probably don’t know this, but here are some famous people who are firstborns: Beyonce, Hillary Clinton, and J.K Rowling. They all have one […]
· 3 min read
Can you imagine a mother’s reaction when she sees her baby daughter’s face through the washing machine window? This is beyond getting angry and screaming. It’s pure fright and unbridled terror — until she realizes it’s just a customized tee-shirt. A customized tee-shirt she made for her husband. A girl on Twitter, Immi Cornes, recalled […]
· 4 min read
This story is about the fate of three illegal poachers, but I’d like to start by asking you, the reader, a question: if someone offered you a job poaching endangered species, would you take it? The answer is probably not, right? It sounds dangerous and awful for the planet and you likely already have a […]
· 4 min read
It’s a terrible feeling… losing your debit or credit card, or an important ID. What’s worse? When those things are stolen from you. Over the last decade, countless people have suffered the skimmer scam and become victims of money theft – so much so that the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions and many others […]
· 4 min read
It’s pretty easy to know when food goes bad. They become a funny color, grow mold, or start to stink. These visible signs are a clear indication that they need to be thrown away. However, there are non-food items around your home that can make you sick as well. [1] Unlike food, these items show […]
· 5 min read
When you hop in your car for your daily commute to work you typically understand the hazards of the road. But do you ever consider the hazards of the water? Fatality due to vehicle submersion is more common than you may think, with an approximate 400 deaths in North America annually[1]. Hollywood has romanticized vehicle […]